Hotlines / Crisis Info

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - Tel:988
“The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.”

Maine Statewide Crisis Hotline - Tel:1-888-568-1112
“The Maine Crisis Hotline helps to stabilize individuals and families while assisting in crisis resolution and action planning. If you are concerned about yourself or about somebody else, call the 24-hour crisis hotline and speak with a trained crisis clinician who can connect you to the closest crisis center.”

Child Protective Services - Tel:1-800-452-1999
“If you are concerned about child neglect or abuse, call this 24-hour hotline to speak to a child protective specialist. Calls may be made anonymously.”

Adult Protective Services - Tel:1-800-624-8404
“If you are concerned about incapacitated or dependent adults (age 18 and over) in danger of abuse, neglect or exploitation call this 24-hour hotline to speak to an adult protective services specialist. Calls may be made anonymously.”

NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Maine - Tel:1-800-464-5767
“The NAMI Helpline is a safe and confidential mental health service for peers, law enforcement, professionals, friends and family members. It provides support, education and advocacy for anyone with questions about mental health concerns. Helpline available Monday - Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm.”

Domestic Violence Helpline - Tel:1-866-834-4357
“The statewide Domestic Violence Helpline connects callers with advocates at Domestic Violence Resource Centers and provides information, crisis counseling, emotional support and advocacy.”

Sexual Assault Helpline - Tel:1-800-871-7741
“Call the 24-hour statewide sexual assault crisis and support line (or text Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm) for confidential services free of charge.”

Intentional Peer Support Warmline - Tel:1-866-771-9276
“The Intentional Peer Support Warm Line is available toll-free from anywhere in Maine, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It is a mental health peer-to-peer phone support program offering mutual conversations with a trained specialist who has life experience with mental health and/or substance use issues and recovery. The focus is to encourage and foster recovery, moving toward wellness and reconnecting with community.”

The Maine QuitLink - Tel:1-800-QUIT-NOW
“When you're ready to quit tobacco, just call. For more information visit

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Blue Sky Counseling

(207) 616-0705
Fax (207) 241-4016

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