DHHS Adult Protective Department: 1-800-624-8404
If you or someone you know is over 18 years old and at risk of being homeless, contact the DHHS Adult Protective Department for emergency assistance
Emmaus Homeless Shelter (Ellsworth): 667-3962
Temporary shelter for men & women over 18, and also have space to shelter 4 families at a time. Operating 24 hours a day / 365 days a year. Other services and referrals provided to shelter guests. Call to check for space availability. 51 Main Street, Ellsworth
Families First Community Center (Ellsworth): 460-3711
Long-term transitional housing & community center for homeless families with children. The center provides residents with supports, training, & education so that when they are ready to leave they will have reliable housing, confidence in their parenting skills, a steady income and savings, and affordable transportation. The home has room for 6 families and are currently taking applications. Call for more info
The Lamb House (Emergency Shelter Housing):
The Lamb House provides short-term, emergency housing for families displaced by fire, weather or other natural disaster. Located at #4 River Road in Cherryfield, the Lamb House is a mission project of the Cherryfield Congregational Church. Contact through Facebook: The Lamb House
Next Step DV Project – Crisis Shelter and Supportive Housing: 255-4934
Temporary crisis shelter for victims of domestic violence. Next Step also offers supportive housing for families who have left an abusive situation and are involved in Next Step’s programs. Families can stay up to two years in supportive housing
Passamaquoddy Peaceful Relations: 853-2600
Temporary crisis shelter for tribal victims of domestic or sexual violence
Ruth Rogan Emergency Shelter for Calais Residents: 214-8553 | 214-4883
Short-term emergency shelter for Calais residents through the Irene Chadbourne Ecumenical Food Pantry
The Shaw House—for Teens (Bangor): 941-2874
Emergency shelter for kids ages 10—20. Includes clean bed, clothing, warm food, crisis intervention services, and referrals.
Shelter & Support for Veterans:
Emergency Housing for Veterans (in Augusta): 623-8411 x5647
For veterans and their family experiencing homelessness.
Transitional Housing for Veterans: 623-8411 x 4344
Housing for homeless veterans who are in recovery.
Veteran Support Services: 1-800-877-5709
Support for veterans at risk of homelessness, including help with rent, security deposits, utilities…
Mental Health Services:
AMHC Family Counseling: 1-800-244-6431
Child, teen, couple & marriage counseling
AMHC Targeted Case Mgmt for Children: 1-800-244-6431
Services for children ages 0—20 with a mental health diagnosis
Behavioral & Developmental Services: 255-1955
Mental and behavioral health services for children and adults
Calais Behavioral Health Center: 454-3022
Mental health counseling
Community Health & Counseling Services: 1-800-540-8311
Child, teen and family counseling
East Grand Health Center (Danforth): 448-2347
Mental and behavioral health counseling
Eastport Health—Behavioral Health Center: Calais 454-3022 | Machias 255-3400
Mental health counseling for children, adolescents, adults, families, and groups
Harrington Community Mental Health Program: 532-8530
Mental health counseling
Harrington Family Health Center: 483-4502
Family counseling; Play therapy
Healthways – Regional Medical Center: Lubec 733-7531 / Machias 255-0102
Mental health counseling
Machias Behavioral Health Center: 255-3400
Mental health counseling
MAS Home Care of Maine: 561-9533
Child and family outpatient counseling
National Alliance of Mental Health (NAMI) – Maine: 1-800-464-5767
Support, education, & advocacy
Pathways of Maine: 888-480-9550
Home and community-based behavioral health treatment services for children and their families.
Regional Medical Center: Lubec 733-7531 | Machias 255-0102
Mental health counseling
St. Croix Regional Health Center: 796-5503
Mental health counseling; Psychiatry
Vogl Behavioral Health Center: Eastport 853-6001
Mental health counseling
Financial Assistance:
Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS): 1-800-432-7846
Calais Office: Open Tuesdays & Thursdays 8:30a – 4p (closed for lunch 12:30 – 1:15), 5 Lowell Street, Calais
Machias Office: Monday – Friday 8:30a – 4p, 38 Prescott Drive, Machias
• Alternative Aid – short-term support for families that do not have TANF that are working or looking for work
• Emergency Assistance – benefits to families in emergency situations (evictions, utility terminations, & more)
• TANF – temporary funds while the family works toward being self-sufficient (must apply for TANF through Fedcap. Call Fedcap at 1-844-585-2505 (Machias) or 1-877-369-0935 (Calais) to make an appointment. Open Mon-Fri 8am -5pm. To reach the Fedcap help line call 1-844-653-0316
Division of Support Enforcement and Recovery (DHHS): 624-4100
Enforce existing support orders, establish support orders for children of unmarried parents, update old orders of support
PLEASE NOTE: The ASPIRE & TANF programs have been outsourced from DHHS to FedCap. If you have difficulties getting benefits during this transition contact Maine Equal Justice Partners, Karen Wyman for assistance at 1-866-626-7059, ext. 205 or kwyman@mejp.org (link sends e-mail).
Free Financial Coaching & Advice (DCP): 598-5657
Meet with a financial coach on issues from debt help, choosing student loans, avoiding foreclosure, starting up a business, retirement planning, etc… Services are free to anyone in Washington County regardless of income. This program is available through Downeast Community Partners. Email:joe.connors@downeastcommunitypartners.org
General Assistance: Contact your local town office to apply
Emergency assistance for low income families. Families can re-apply every 30 days.
Indian Township Welfare: 796-2301
Financial assistance
Machias Food Pantry (Centre Street Church): 255-6665
Emergency assistance; Coats for Kids; Christmas Giving Tree
Maine Family Development Account: 598-5648
This FDA program is available through Downeast Community Partners. It enables income eligible individuals and families to have matched savings that can be used to buy a home, pay for education, or start or expand a small business. Every dollar saved is matched by $4 from the FDA Coalition. For a limited time this account can also be used to purchase or repair a vehicle if a minor is in the home. Contact DCP or visit their website for more information.
Neighbor4Neighbor Fund (Mini Grants for Seniors): 667-7171
One-time mini-grants up to $500 to seniors in Washington county who are facing a crises. Funds may be used for eyeglasses, dentures, medical equipment, emergency household repairs, or other one-time challenges. Email: nina@healthyacadia.org
SSI Benefits for Infants: 1-800-772-1213
Disability benefits for premature babies or babies born with low birth-weight – this is called “Presumptive Disabilities” by SSI. Click on the link to learn more.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI): 1-800-772-1213
SSI is for disabled people who do not have a past earnings record; SSDI is for people with recent earnings. You can also apply online (or appeal a decision) at their website
Dental Resources:
Calais– Dr. Karen Delaney: 904-0025
254 South St, Calais
Full service dental facility for families; including check-ups, preventative care, screenings, cleanings, restorations, extractions, dentures, and specialty services
Eastport– Dental Services at Eastport Health Care: 858-6001
30 Boynton Street, Eastport
Services include: Routine and preventative dental care, prosthetics, minor oral surgery, dental hygiene care
Harrington– Dental Clinic at Harrington Family Health Center: 483-4502
Full range of dental services: Diagnosis & treatment planning; dental hygiene care; general restorative care; extractions.
50 East Main Street, Harrington
Lubec– Dental Clinic Regional Medical Center at Lubec: 733-5541
43 South Lubec Road, Lubec
Services include: Routine cleanings, dental exams, dental restoration (fillings, crowns, etc) emergency care and replacement devices (bridges, dentures, etc). The dental clinic is open Monday through Friday
Machias- Wash. County Children’s Program – Tooth Ferry: 255-3426
WCCP’s Tooth Ferry Van
Mobile unit that travels to schools and Head Starts in the county providing oral health education and preventive care
Machias- No-Cost Dental Clinic: 255-3426
Open once a year (usually in April) for one week, the clinic provides complete dental care for children (cleanings, fillings, extractions, x-rays…) and emergency dental care for adults (exams, fillings, extractions, root canals…). A joint effort between Wash. County Children’s Program, NY University School of Dentistry, and Delta Dental
Princeton– Dental Center at St. Croix Regional Family Health Center: 796-5503
136 Mill Street, Princeton